Spoken Word Poetry...
Spoken word is a performance artistic poem that is word-basic. It often includes collaboration and experimentation with other art forms such as music, theater, and dance. However, spoken word usually tends to focus on the words themselves, the dynamics of tone, gestures, facial expressions, and not so much on the other art forms.

The art of spoken-word poetry has existed for many centuries. The Ancient Greeks included spoken-word poetry in their Olympic Games.

Modern spoken-word poetry originated from the poetry of the Harlem Renaissance and blues music as well as the 1960s beatniks.

The term "spoken word" was first adopted to explain the new art coming out of the postmodern art movement.

Modern-day spoken-word poetry became popular in the underground Black community in the 1960s with The Last Poets. The Last Poets was a poetry and political music group that was born out of the African-American Civil Rights movement.

Black history holds an abundance of speakers with inspiring things to say, and exciting ways to say them. The greatest of these speakers inject their words with meaning by exploiting the musical influence of speech. As with Black preachers, who tend to involve their congregations in sermons through the style of preach and hear a response, great spoken-word artists make their individual performances into communal ones. Words become vehicles for feeling and inspire a sense of shared experience in listeners. Political speech also provides a space for powerful ideas. Though mere words, speeches made by influential men like Dr. Martin Luther King's "I have a dream," Sojourner Truth's "Ain't I a woman?" and Booker T. Washington's "Cast down your buckets" have changed and also shaped the course of history.

In the late 1970s Los Angeles poet Wanda Coleman brought modern spoken-word poetry into written form with the release of her poetry collection Mad Dog, Black Lady in 1979 on Black Sparrow Press.
A Spoken Word Entertainment News Series
Spoken Out Loud is the first online mobile based interactive Spoken Word entertainment news series that exposes you to the most dynamic entertaining poets in this literary art form. 

You will be embraced by the message encapsulated within the poems and the artistry of the poets in their performances.

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Poets who appeared on this show...
Brian Ellis Eboni 13 of Nazareth
Ebony Jo Ann Taalam Acey Ronald Morgan
Poetry News
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